Tag: diabetes wisdom

The Positive Effects of Diabetes

The Positive Effects Of Diabetes

The Positive Effects Of Diabetes

When diabetes comes to mind, I often have negative feelings towards it. From battling my blood sugars, poking my fingers, taking insulin injections, constantly adjusting my insulin dosages, long nights, early mornings, and the rollercoaster of emotions. I feel it’s normal to get frustrated, even though I do the best that I can. I know that I’m going to have my bad days no matter what.

I don’t consider myself a “perfect diabetic“, nor do I believe those exist. But putting all the negativity aside, I feel it’s important to point out the positive effects of diabetes. Despite the hardships and uncertainty, I still continue on living.  I can see how it has shaped me into the person that I am, for the good. Lots of hard lessons, but also many blessings along the way.


I’ve learned to let go of what I can’t control –

It has given me the strength to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. I can’t control the future or what will happen. I know that diabetes is as unpredictable as it gets. However, I won’t live in fear. I won’t let diabetes control my life. I focus on the “now” and worry less about the “what ifs”.


I take time for myself no matter what –

As much as I want to ignore diabetes or place it on the back burner, it’s always there. There will always be times, where I have to stop what I’m doing and take care of myself. No matter what — diabetes is always in the back of my mind. Those times where my body tells me to take those breaks, it just shows me what’s most important in this life. Without my health — I would be nothing.


It has made me a stronger person –

Very cliche — I know. But they don’t call us dia-bad-ass’s for nothing! I’ve been through the wringer and back with diabetes. I’m grateful to be alive today. But like they say “what doesn’t kill you WILL make you stronger.” It’s not how many times I’ve fallen, but how many times I’ve gotten back up that matters.


I found a passion –

If you would have told me when I was diagnosed that I would be where I am today, I wouldn’t believe you! It just goes to show you that it’s about what you’re made of, not your circumstances. Diabetes has certainly shaped my life. Everything serves a purpose. I found a community full of people who I can relate to and we all share a bond. I’ve also found a way to express myself and help inspire others. Yes, this disease doesn’t define me, but it helps to better explain me. It helps explain the person I am, my journey, and how I got here.


I appreciate life more –

I appreciate the highs, the lows, the setbacks, the comebacks, ALL OF IT. Diabetes has taken me to the lowest lows and the highest highs. I realize it could be worse. It could be much worse. But I’m still fighting every day. With every fiber of my being, I get up every day and tackle this disease head on. I realize that life is fragile and health is easily taken for granted. Having diabetes has given me a different perspective on life, that I may have never had without it. Through it all, I have finally found the positive effects of diabetes, which is amazing.

When it all comes down to it, diabetes has taught me to love myself even at my weakest moments. It’s taken me out of my comfort zone. I’ve had to grow up much faster and have thicker skin. I’ve learned to roll with the punches, and adapt to whatever life throws at me.

Granted — it’s not always rainbows and butterflies. I would take a cure in a heartbeat, no questions asked! But there are some positive effects of diabetes that I’ve come to realize along the way. It has shaped me for the better. The harder the struggle — the more glorious the triumph.


10 Things I Would Tell My 12-year-Old Self Today About Having Diabetes

10 Things I Would Tell My 12 Year Old Self  Today About Having Diabetes

After having diabetes for 13 years, I’ve acquired a lot of wisdom. I have reflected upon my experiences and there are 10 things that I would tell my 12-year-old self today about having diabetes.

Finding out my diagnosis and having diabetes is a very difficult concept to process, no matter the age.

But being that I was a 12 years old at the time; I feel that it inhibited my conscious effort to accept being diabetic. I was old enough to know what life was before I was diagnosed, yet I was not mature enough to understand the severity of this disease or how to adapt. Looking back, I’m surprised that I’m alive today.

For years & years — I had a really hard time.

It was a time in my life where I was starting to find out who I was, starting middle school, making friends, and just being a kid like everyone else.

I didn’t want to “stand out” or be picked on for being different. It’s sad to say, but “hey it’s the truth”.

I wanted to eat what I wanted—when I wanted—no questions asked. I didn’t want to take on this responsibility when I never asked for this in the first place.

But now that I’m older, and after many years, experiences, and wisdom, I see that diabetes doesn’t have control—I do. I’m married, I have my 3 children and a great life. What more can you ask for? I have it all, and then some.


If I could, these are 10 things that I would tell my 12-year-old self-today:

1. You’re braver than you think and stronger than you know.

Don’t think of this as a “weakness”. Think of having diabetes as an opportunity to find your strengths and courage that you didn’t even know existed.

Run with it - You were given this life because you’re strong enough to live it.

You’re capable of battling diabetes. Control diabetes — do not let it control you! You have the potential for greatness, always believe that.

2. Invest in your health. Beauty fades, your health is forever.

Don’t be overly consumed in “your looks”. To live the best quality of life - you need to take care of yourself first. By doing so, you’ll make it to the best days of your life.

Seeing your daughter walk down the aisle, your son graduate from college, your grandchildren walk for the first time or getting the opportunity to relax on a beach somewhere when your 70.

That’s the life you want to protect and honor.

3. Know that there will be bad days. But the best days are yet to come.

You will have your bad days and your failures. This is what molds you into the person you will become. Without these experiences in your life, you wouldn’t learn the important lessons that make you the person you’re supposed to be.

Learn from your mistakes, find ways to improve and rest assured that it will get easier.

There is light at the end of the tunnel. Just continue to have hope and faith, and believe in yourself. One day you will get to look back, and appreciate the hard times because you’ve come so far.

4. Listen to your family’s concerns. They may not offer the best support, but they mean well.

They don’t always give the best advice. Nor can they put themselves directly in your shoes. But they want what’s best for you.

Fighting against them, having anger, and feeling sorry for yourself isn’t going to change a thing.

They never wanted this to happen to you. Take what was given to you and understand people can only offer so much support. Nobody can fix it or take it away from you. You have to dig deep within yourself and find that strength. In the end, you control your destiny.

5. Don’t be embarrassed by carrying around insulin syringes in school.

There will be your peers who assume you use needles for “other purposes” or have their questions, and some will even stare when you check your sugar or take your insulin. Don’t be embarrassed or feel like an outcast.

“Ignorance is bliss”, they say. It’s true.. just because they don’t understand doesn’t mean you should hide from it.

Share with them, let them know that this is what it takes for you to stay alive. The people who love and care for you will understand and want to know more.

6. Educating yourself about diabetes is key.

When you educate yourself, you’re honoring yourself. You need to know everything there is to know about diabetes.

Knowledge is power and it gives you insight into what can happen if you don’t take care of yourself.

Shutting information out and not wanting to learn, you’re only hurting yourself and no one else. You will be surprised that there’s so much to learn, and it will make you feel good to let it all in.

7. Find help when necessary. Suck up your pride!

It’s okay to ask for help, there’s no shame in that. Managing diabetes can get very overwhelming. Ask your family, friends, physician, or even attend support groups. There is now even an online support group social media app (just like Facebook) called Beyond Type 1.

Keep an open mind and know that you’re going to need help—just know to ask—and know where to find it.

It doesn’t mean you’re a weaker person, if anything it’s the opposite. You have the courage to ask and take control.

8. This isn’t a fad, this is a lifestyle change.

Diabetes isn’t going to go away. Unless, they find a cure in your lifetime. But right now, this is what you have to deal with. You’re going to have to make changes and accept this new way of life. Even if you try to ignore it, it’s still going to be there.

This lifestyle isn’t the worst thing in the world. Yes, you will have to take insulin injections several times a day & check sugars frequently.

But you will also be watching what you eat and making sure to exercise. This will not only make you a healthy diabetic, but a healthy individual regardless.

9. Open up, it’s okay to be vulnerable.

Yes, It’s going to be hard to express your feelings or thoughts at times. You’re human. But the best therapy is just talking about it. Getting it all out there. Break down the walls. No, someone that’s not diabetic may not fully understand. But people do sympathize and want to find ways to show support. The more you open up, the less insecure you will feel.

10. This is a blessing in disguise—Embrace it!

You can look at this illness for the negatives, or you can look at it for the positives. The positives of having diabetes are what will help you get through it.

The way it makes you a better person, gives you a new perspective on health, makes you appreciate life more and gives you the strength to conquer anything.

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